67 posts


Posts about Konva.js, the JavaScript library adding an object model and other super powers to the HTML5 canvas lib.

Konva - offscreen / ghost canvas

Konva - offscreen / ghost canvas


I had always created Konva stages by setting the container parameter to the selector of an existing HTML DIV element. Then I needed to create an image from canvas elements as a one-off which I would then draw into the main stage. So how to do that without having a physical, in-the-DOM container DIV?

Konva Tricks Performance
Members only
Konva - how to know when the layer is drawn

Konva - how to know when the layer is drawn


A question I see sometimes is how can we know when the layer gets redrawn. Firstly I recommend that you don't sweat about this - Konva does a perfectly good job without you interfering. But if you absolutely have to there is a way. Let's take a look...

Konva Tricks
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