Konva - HTML5 canvas manual route drawing solution
This is from a StackOverflow answer I made in response to a request for a way to show a route on a map with bends. In essence this is manipulation of the points array for a Konva Line object.
A tech blog giving usable explainers, advice, tools, tricks and techniques for the Konva JavaScript canvas library, the HTML5 canvas, and related subjects.
This is from a StackOverflow answer I made in response to a request for a way to show a route on a map with bends. In essence this is manipulation of the points array for a Konva Line object.
So I spent some time building a rich text editor as a side project. Here's some of what I learned which I'm sharing so you can avoid the bear traps and subsequent pain!
This was originally a StackOverflow question asked about 7 years ago. I preserve it here because the answer continues to receives upvotes, so seems of interest to some folks, and it was voted to close on SO.